Keeping a Prayer Journal

Recording your prayers in a journal Many people like to keep a Prayer Journal. If you find that your mind wanders while you pray, writing in a prayer journal may help you concentrate better.will show you how you grow spiritually. You can also read back through your journal and see how God has answered your prayers.

There are different ways to keep a Prayer Journal. You can use a spiral notebook, a journaling book, type it in a Word document, or get journaling software.

Here are some ideas to help you get started in your prayer journal.

  • What do I want to tell God right now?
  • What did God teach me today?
  • Write a scripture verse and tell God what the verse means to you.
  • Write to God when you are feeling a strong emotion.
  • Write when you are having a conflict with someone.
  • Write when you have physical pain or sickness.
  • Ask God for wisdom concerning a certain subject.
  • List your “praises” and “thank yous”.
  • Record the names and prayer requests of others.
  • Confess your sins and ask for forgiveness.
  • Write the lyrics of praise songs and then your response to them.
  • List what you think God is telling to you or trying to teach you.
  • Tell God what you learned about while reading a devotional or listening to a sermon.